2019 Tax Law Change

You might have already heard or read that IRD and the Government have passed a law that will allow them to automatically assess all New Zealand Salary and Wage earners. If they feel that they hold the correct information, they will then proceed with issuing a Tax Refund or Tax Bill. This will come into effect from April the 1st 2019 and will be in effect for the Tax year ending 31-03-2019 and onwards.

Because of this change, we are altering the services we offer to become more of a Personal Tax Advisory service to help salary and wage earners in New Zealand by making sure that they are compliant with IRD and have another affordable option for tax matters other than having to contact IRD.

Unsure what your tax obligations are and what to tell IRD?

Don’t have the time to find out.

Don’t want to talk or check with IRD.

Below is your answer…….

Firstly, if you are just a Salary and Wage earner in NZ you will fall into 1 of 3 Categories:

  1. No Extra Information Required – Auto Assess Tax Bill or Tax Refund Processed by IRD
  2. More information required – Submit to IRD
  3. IR3 filer – Withholding Payments Income/Schedular Payments, Rental Income, other income sources and reasons to be declared

Sounds confusing – don’t worry we have you covered. Below are our new services for the 2019 tax year and on.

Category 1: No Extra Information Required – Auto Assess Tax Bill or Tax Refund Processed by IRD

If you choose to apply with us and you fall into this category, we will make sure you are compliant with IRD. IRD’s criteria for you to be in this category is based on past history - IRD doesn’t take into account things that may have changed over the last tax year. IRD leave it to you to inform them and there are a number of criteria that can change you being in this category. If you don’t advise them of these changes this could result in penalties, interest, having to pay more or having to repay back refunded amounts. On the other hand, our online application may highlight areas which we can change, which may result in you getting more refunded. Our simple online application will make sure that you have submitted your tax obligations (if any).

If you have a tax bill (for many this will be a first) – we will make sure that it is correct and if there is anything that can be done to reduce it. We will inform you of why the tax bill occurred and how to stop it happening again.

For these services there will be a flat fee of $29 plus GST (that’s it) – we will be your point of contact for the year in all tax matters. No waiting on hold for hours with IRD (last year people were on hold for 1 - 2 hours and at times longer) - this year will be worse! A quick email or call to us and it’s sorted. Our simple online application will ensure that you are compliant with IRD and have another affordable option for tax matters other than having to personally contact IRD.

If we find that you do not fall into this category, we will inform you and get you changed to Category 2 or 3.

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Category 2: More information required – Submit to IRD

IRD requires more information from you. We will check, consult you and then act in your best interests. This will save you time and make sure everything is done correctly. The fee this service will remain the same as prior years.

If you have a tax bill – we will make sure that it is correct and if there is anything that can be done to reduce it. We will inform you of why the tax bill occurred and how to stop it happening again. For this there will be a flat fee of only $29 plus GST.

There are many factors that can change the outcomes above – our online application will ensure that you are getting the best result either way and that you are compliant with IRD. IRD hold you responsible to make sure you know and have declared everything. If we find that you do not fall into this category, we will inform IRD and get you changed to Category 1 or 3.

We will be your point of contact for the year in all tax matters. No waiting on hold for hours with IRD (last year people were on hold for 1 - 2 hours and at times longer) - this year will be worse! A quick email or call to us and it’s sorted, making sure that you are compliant with IRD and have another affordable option for tax matters other than having to personally contact IRD.

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Category 3: IR3 filer – Withholding Payments Income/Schedular Payments, Rental Income, other income sources and reasons to be declared

IRD requires you to file an IR3 – again we will check to see why and if you need to, consult you and act from there. Fee’s for this will remain as in past years. Our simple online application will ensure that you are getting the best result either way and that you are compliant with IRD. IRD hold you responsible to make sure you know and have declared everything. If we find that you do not fall into this category, we will inform IRD and get you changed to Category 1 or 2.

When can I receive my 2025 tax calculation?

We are able to calculate these for you from late April 2025. This is to ensure that your income details have been updated at the IRD and you have your full 12 months of income details available. The IRD will then accept these into their system in early May and you can expect payouts of refund amounts from mid May 2025. We will keep you informed on the way through. You can apply and beat the rush from 1st April onwards.

What are the advantages of using Kiwi Personal Tax?

Unsure what your tax obligations are and what to tell IRD?

Don’t have the time to find out.

Don’t want to talk or check with IRD.

Below is your answer…….

Firstly, if you are just a Salary and Wage earner in NZ you will fall into 1 of 3 Categories:

  1. No Extra Information Required – Auto Assess Tax Bill or Tax Refund Processed by IRD
  2. More information required – Submit to IRD
  3. IR3 filer – Withholding Payments Income/Schedular Payments, Rental Income, other income sources and reasons to be declared

  • Simple process - sign up in a few minutes; then sit back and let us do all the hard work.
  • Our services are cost effective - fees start at just $10 + GST. fees table
  • The system is designed specifically for NZ Wage/Salary earners.
  • We're safe and secure - our application process is fully encrypted so your details are guaranteed to be protected.
  • Fast Turn Around.
  • Due to our knowledge and experience we can often get you the best result.

How can you access my information at IRD?

By filing an application with Kiwi Personal Tax you authorise us to be your Tax Agent. We can then look at the information held by IRD pertaining to your income tax.  We use this information, plus the information we receive from you, to assess the previous 5 tax years.

What is a Tax Agent?

A Tax Agent is any individual, company or partnership who is registered with the IRD for the purposes of filing tax returns, to IRD, on behalf of NZ taxpayers. 

How long will it take?

We process your tax application within 4 - 5 working days. Any additional time will be due to Inland Revenue Department processing timeframes.  There are some situations which can hold up this process but these will be dealt with by Kiwi Personal Tax.(For example: Each tax year closes on 31 March. Tax Refunds for that tax year are not available until mid/late May. In other words, tax refunds for the 2025 tax year will not be available until May 2025)

How will I receive my tax refund?

Any tax refund will be processed by Kiwi Personal Tax directly with the Inland Revenue Department and your tax refund will be posted by cheque or deposited directly into your bank account less our processing fee.

What do I need to provide to Kiwi Personal Tax?

The Kiwi Personal Tax process is simple and easy. It only takes a few minutes and requires you to fill out a simple form either online through our Online Tax Refund Application or at our Kiwi Personal Tax Office in Wellington .

Kiwi Personal Tax also requires your Inland Revenue Department number and other details such as any other income you may have derived in the last five years (e.g. interest or dividend income and tax paid on this, overseas income, rental income or self employed income, etc).

How much will it cost?

2019 Tax Year and Onwards
Processing cost will be
Category 1:
No Extra Information Required
Auto Assess Client - Tax Bill or Tax Refund Processed by IRD
$29 Flat Fee
Category 2:
More information required
Submit to IRD
$29 Flat Fee on Tax Bills Or
12% Fee on Refunded amounts
Category 3:
IR3 Filer
Withholding Payments Income/Schedular Payments, Rental Income, other income sources and reasons to be declared
12% Fee on Refunded amount(minimum fee of $49) Or
Fees from $49.

2018 Tax Year
Processing cost will be
Up to $85
More than $85
12% of tax refund (10% if you switch from another NZ tax refund company*)

Can you claim my donations tax credit for me?

Yes. It is easier to complete all tax refunds together. From 1 April 2008 you can claim a tax credit much higher than the $630 previously allowed, provided you have sufficient income to support your claim. Contact us for more details.

What if I owe the tax department money?

If you have a tax bill (for many this will be a first) – we will make sure that it is correct and if there is anything that can be done to reduce it. We will inform you of why the tax bill occurred and how to stop it happening again.

For these services there will be a flat fee of $29 plus GST (that’s it) – we will be your point of contact for the year in all tax matters. No waiting on hold for hours with IRD (last year people were on hold for 1 - 2 hours and at times longer) - this year will be worse! A quick email or call to us and it’s sorted. Our simple online application will ensure that you are compliant with IRD and have another affordable option for tax matters other than having to personally contact IRD.

What happens if I owe child support?

We are unable to help you through our tax refund division but will transfer your application to our accounting services division who may be able to help. Their fees are different to ours.

Are your fees tax deductible?

You betcha!  Our tax refund fees are 100% tax deductible expenses. You can claim our tax refund processing fee as an expense against your income tax - which means an even bigger tax refund.

I am in NZ on a working visa, could I be owed a tax refund?

Yes, in our experience almost 90% of working travellers are owed a tax refund. This normally occurs when a working traveller has paid tax but hasn't worked in NZ for an entire year.

What if I am a non-resident but have paid tax in NZ, can I apply for a Tax Refund?

Yes. If you have worked in NZ or have NZ investments and you have paid NZ tax but are currently a non-resident we can still help you. In some cases we may have to ask a few more questions and fill in some extra paper-work but we regularly secure tax refunds for clients who are non-resident for tax in NZ.

Will Kiwi Personal Tax be my Tax Agent forever?

No. Once your tax refund is completed, or if you are not due a tax refund, we will NOT process your following years refund unless you advise us too by filling out a new application form. Should you wish to delink from us there will be a link to request this at the bottom of your email. Be assured we will not process any new applications unless you request them to be processed. You can still remain linked to our agency and nothing will be processed unless you request it to be.

You may terminate the Tax Agency authorisation at any time by advising us in writing or by contacting IRD.  Terminations are subject to the terms set out in our Standard Terms and Conditions

Can I contact the Inland Revenue Department directly?

Yes. Anyone can contact the Inland Revenue Department to discuss their own tax affairs.

What if my personal details change?

If your personal information changes in any way (e.g. name change, change of address etc) please contact us immediately so we can update our records.

What if I am under 16 years of age?

If you are under 16 years old, we require a full birth certificate issued on or after 1 January 1998.  These birth certificates can be obtained from the Department of Internal Affairs.  We also require permission from a parent or guardian.  This permission must be signed in writing, containing the name, address and contact telephone number of your parent or guardian.  It must be accompanied by your parent or guardian's valid photo identification e.g. a scanned image of a drivers licence.

*Terms and Conditions Apply

Is My Information Secure?

Absolutely. That's super-important to us. Any information we get while working for you is subject to strict confidentiality requirements. We won't disclose that information to other parties without your express consent, except as required by law or to update your records with the IRD.

Why Do You Need My IRD Number?

Your IRD number is a unique number issued to you by the Inland Revenue Department so they can identify you. Your number will be an 8- or 9-digit number in the range of "10-000-000" to "999-999- 999". We need this number to become your tax agent, to check whether you're due a tax refund and to create your secure password-protected account.

If you don't know your IRD number, have a look around to see if you have any letters from the IRD or ask your boss or pay clerk. You can also ring the IRD.

Why Do You Need My Full Name and Date of Birth?

This is another form of security to help us confirm your identity and create your account.

Why Do You Need My Email Address and Phone Number?

We might need to get in touch so we can get a bit more information to help us determine whether you have a refund. We send regular notifications to your email address so please double-check you've given us the right details so we can keep the process as quick and painless as possible. If your contact details change, no worries, just log on to your account to update us so we can keep you in the loop.

Why Do You Need My Address Details?

This is just extra backup for those rare instances where people have a bad day and supply us the wrong email and phone number.

Why Do You Need My Photo ID?

This is a requirement brought in by the IRD on 1 January 2010 to reduce the risk of fraud. We can't proceed with claiming your refund until we check either your driver licence, firearms licence or passport. If you don't have any of these forms of ID, give us a call and we'll give you the run-down on other options.

What type of photo ID is accepted:

The preferred form of photo ID is a valid New Zealand driver's licence. We also accept the following other forms of ID in combination with a completed Authority To Act form:

  • New Zealand passport
  • Overseas passport with New Zealand immigration visa / permit
  • New Zealand 18+ card
  • New Zealand Firearms licence
  • International Driver's Permit (issued by a member country of the UN Convention on Road Traffic)
  • New Zealand certificate of identity (issued by Department of Labour or Department of Internal Affairs)

"Linking" to Kiwi Personal Tax:

What does it mean when you are "linked" as my tax agent?

It means we have the right to access certain information about you from the IRD to verify and process your tax refund. Such information might include income earnings details, employer information, tax paid, etc.

I have received a letter from the IRD advising that Kiwi Personal Tax has become my tax agent, why?

This is the letter that the IRD issues to advise you that we have linked to your Inland Revenue number. This is a normal part of the process that is required for us to be able to access your information and release any refunds for you.

I have received a letter advising that a bank account has been added to my account, why?

The IRD has issued this letter advising that our client account has been added to your account at the IRD. This allows us to keep track of your refunds. Refunds are paid into the client account, we deduct our fee and then refund you the balance. Your refund will be paid out to you once our accounts department has processed it.

What if I already have a tax agent?

Kiwi Personal Tax will simply become your new tax agent if you choose to use our service. This will mean you will be de-linked from your previous tax agent.

Additional Tax Information

I have paid child care or donations. Can you include this information? Yes, we can include this information in your return. If you have not yet applied, simply fill in an application form and ensure you choose -yes- when asked if you have paid any donations. If you have already applied with us please send us your donation receipts using the contact us form. Please note this is processed separately to your income tax return, so you can still get a donation rebate if you aren't due a tax refund.

I have received dividends in a financial year. Do you need to know about these?

Please tell us if you have received any dividend distributions within any one financial year. The dividends will be included in your tax return. If you have not yet applied, simply fill in an application form and ensure you choose -yes- when asked if you have received dividends. If you have already applied with us, please send us the details using the 'contact us' form.

I have received income from interest bearing deposits/investments. Do you need to know about these?

Please tell us if you have received any interest within one financial year. The interest will be included in your tax return. If you have not yet applied, simply fill in an application form and ensure you choose -yes- when asked if you have received interest. If you have already applied with us, please send us the details using the 'contact us' form.

I receive Maori Authority distributions. Do you need to know about these?

Please tell us if you have received any Maori Authority distributions in any one financial year. The distributions will be included in your tax return. If you have not yet applied, simply fill in an application form and ensure you choose -yes- when asked if you have received Maori Authority sistributions. If you have already applied with us, please send us the details using the 'contact us' form.

I am an undischarged bankrupt, can I still apply?

Yes – this will not affect your refund amount. However we are obligated to pay your refund to the official assignee who is managing your affairs while you are undischarged. We can only process refunds after the first year with the new IRD number and any prior to that cannot be processed, so will generally not be paid out to an assignee.

I owe child support payments. Can I still get a tax refund?

Yes, you can if your refund exceeds your child support debt. If not, the IRD will usually apply the refund amount to your outstanding child support account. You can look at your tax refund as an easy way to reduce your child support debt if you are in this situation, so don't be afraid to apply.

Why has my refund gone to arrears?

The Inland Revenue Department automatically transfers any refunds to accounts with money owing to previous years. You can contact the IRD if you have further queries regarding the arrears. You will be subject to our processing fee as detailed in our T&C's.

Contact Us
(04) 499 1101
  • Address: Level 2 | 86 Victoria Street | Wellington 6011 | New Zealand
  • Postal: PO Box 24 217 | Manners Street | Wellington 6142 | New Zealand
  • info@kiwipersonaltax.co.nz
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Kiwi Personal Tax is a New Zealand tax agent.

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